Monday, 10 November 2008

Our Visit At The Library!

Every Monday night Gerald and I take the little ladies to the pubic library, to spend the evening at the library reading books with our girls.
Im Also reading a book Guess what kind of book it is I will give you a hit! yep its a hit book its called Household Solutions 1 with Substitutions 1500 Quick fixes written by Reena Nerbas
I love these kind of books I was reading it tonight a found a few great tips for ya!
*Add a sponge to fridge crispers to keep vegetables crisp longer.
*Store plastic wrap in the fridge to keep it from sticking to itself.
If you also like reading great tips i think this book would be great for you too!

FW: why women stay single

This is a cute video that we got as an e-mail from our dear friend Janet

Lisa Demars