Sunday, 9 March 2008


100_1697, originally uploaded by lisademars29.

This Is Megan being real silly well I was talking to my sister she was singing that song Thank you everybody was a crazy looking girl

Dollar Days

Well it is now Sunday. Got through the Saturday rush of Dollar Days, I ground 40 cases of burger; that equals 2000 lbs of burger in two days. Thankfully the weather was not so nice, and held back customers. I have today off (YEAH) no burger today. However the snow that we had equals roughly 3ft; so instead of grinding burger I, We are now shoveling snow. You know no matter either you are at work or at home there is always somthing to do. Well I am cooking a nice beef roast for dinner, hoping Lisa's sister and her family come over for dinner as well. The rest of the day I will be resting and trying to get rid of the nasty cold that I have and preparing for tomorrow's rush on the $1 a LB burger.

Well to All Have a good One.