My close friend has been going Thu a lot in her life right now with her health ..She only 41 years old..we been close friend since 2000..We meet for tea every week...I known for a bit she been going thou a lot of test..She gotten a few back..And Not good at all..She in really good spirits but there's a 50% chance...I just wished I could do some thing for her..To make her better...I will be keeping her in my prayers..She has a very young girl around Megan's age and a teenager boy..I know She's in Good hands...And she has the faith..to get thou all this..She has a few appointment's with Dr's next week..Oh tonight was a sad tea date...but we still had a great few laughs too...I been searching on line about what going on with her..and my eye's are sore from reading..Well I think I'm going to call it a night..Jump in my jet tub then put on some Pj's and jump in bed and enjoy a hot cup of tea...
I'm going to keep my dear friend in my thoughts and prayers..
Good night all....Hugs
Don't forget to tell your loved ones you love them or care for them
I'll keep your dear friend in my heart and prayers.♥
I said a little prayer for your friend today. May she be wrapped in God's love and be filled with courage, strength & hope.
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